Friday, April 25, 2014

New Rules: Do What Ever You Want America!!

Hell in a hand basket, that's where we are going. Whether you are religious or not, you have most likely heard someone say the "end times are near," and I believe they may be right.  I'm not certain it will be a scene right out of Revelations, but it sure isn't going to be pretty.  Now understand that it was not my intention to write two articles in a row touching on gun rights, but this story just has too much to offer. I'm talking about the Cliven Bundy story out of Nevada.  This story has cows, unpaid land-use fees, tortoises, high-powered rifles with scopes, the government, and freedom fighters.

With the current events going on in the world, possible world war, terrorism, looming natural disasters, I sometimes worry about what would happen if there was a disruption to our communication system. I also worry about too much anger from the fringe groups or factions in society. I constantly worry about the continued degradation of our countries educational system. We are dumb. We are so dumb. It's almost like we are de-evolving as a species. I can't time travel, but I think back to why rules were made.  There had to be a reason for a system of order, or rule of law to exist. And I'm not talking about the writing of the Bill of Rights, I'm talking about caveman rules.  It's my theory(and so far there isn't enough evidence to prove me wrong) that rules came through the creation of the concept of religion.  But why did religion come about? It was most likely because the smaller cavemen were sick and tired of having their women stolen from bigger and stronger cavemen.  So religion was invented to scare people with consequences.

The only way to stop a primal creature from being primal is to introduce the need to be obedient to an mystical spirit. So a god was created, and people started to live in harmony.  But then a tower was built, and some King wanted to hangout with that god and then different religions were made, and languages, and ethnicities(SEE: Science). So what's my point...? My point is that religion is a mess and it never solved the original problem.  The original problem is that human beings are complex animals.  Their behavior is difficult to quantify.  Within the species there are belief structures that are similar but different, and others that are completely contrary to the others.  Humans are terrible to each other sometimes.  If given the choice between doing something that will benefit someone else, or doing something that will benefit themselves, nine of ten people will better themselves. Why? How do we change this? Why can't people be good? Are we doomed?

Yes and No.  We have a chance, but it's 30-40 years from now, if we make it.  As the ice caps melt, and we pollute or water supply, and we pollute the air, and we keep killing each other in wars or malls or movie theaters or schools, we are not making any progress toward solving the core problem. We need to evolve as a species.  You've heard the rumors.  You've probably heard someone whisper about it.  There is a thing called a higher plane of consciousness.

We must transcend as a species to get past our primal instincts. Only when we can truly learn that we all belong to eachother will we start to move in the right direction, toward peace.  Religion stands in the way. Religion is a business. Religion has been very profitable for a very long time. Religion likes the rules, they wrote them, and a lot of governments have governing documents that are permiated with the terms and phrases from the "great books" that rule our planet.

God is trying to kill us.

So what does it have to do with Cliven Bundy.  Well, he's an asshole.  He owes the government over $1,000,000, and his only defense is that he doesn't recognize the Federal government. I'm not a Belieber but that little douche-bag still exists.  You gotta pay your tab with the government, or else they are going to come to your house and ask for a check.  When the BLM said they were coming over, they were told they would be facing armed resistance, so the BLM showed up in force.  It wasn't hard for Bundy to find a bunch of trigger happy rednecks to arm up and put together a show of force to meet the BLM. Win for the rednecks, because we all learned a little something about the bad press that can come from shooting lunatics(SEE: Waco).

Bottom line: I stopped caring about this article, and this issue once Bundy started waxing philosophical on African Americans.  I now feel sorry for him, for he has not transcended. Bundy is just another idiot that was propelled to "Patriot of the Month" until he showed his true colors.

Also in my research for this article I found this:

Click here to read the same article again, basically. I promise I wrote my article before I read this one.

After reading this article I was hit with the realization that I completely agree with USA Today, and now I feel shame, and need to re-examine my world view. Good luck world!

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